Glas Hour Studios
Wellness treatments and workshops
Glas Hour Studios
Situated on Glasower Str in Berlin , Glas Hour Studios is a space offering treatments
and workshops.

Fuß Fuß Reflexology
Foot therapy to balance the body and mind
I went to treat my back and neck pain. It was incredibly soothing from the first session and increasingly effective as I continued going. I left the place floating every time. Beatrice's hands do magic!
-Virginia Y.
I heard reflexology was good for mild arthritis so I found Beatrice. I was quite amazed because after a few weeks my joint pain had noticeably reduced. The treatments were very relaxing but I was also left feeling energised at the end them. Something I most enjoyed was the beautiful colors I saw when I closed my eyes during the sessions.
-Eileen E.
Beatrice is incredible. I was gifted a treatment from a friend who is a regular, and I felt rejuvenated and refreshed, looser and more in my core from the very first treatment. I can´t recommend Beatrice and her beautiful space enough - a real restorative treat.
-John L.
Heute hatte ich zum ersten Mal eine Refloxologie-Sitzung, es war total entspannend und meditativ. Ich würde Beatrice auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Ich fühlte mich bei ihr sehr gut aufgehoben und sie hat mir sehr kompetent auf meine Symptome zugehört :)
-Lina M.